Building Toilets

Many rural Cambodian families do not have access to toilets and clean water causing serious health issues and in some cases death.
About 80 percent of the Cambodian population lives in rural areas and UNICEF estimates only 16 percent of them have access to adequate sanitation. A 2016 study by WaterAid found lack of sanitation also leads to stunted growth through multiple bouts of diarrhea caused by drinking dirty water, often contaminated from open defecation. Stunted growth also restricts cognitive, emotional, and social development.

Costs for

Building Toilets


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead.
When finances permit, VBC tries to construct toilets for families we build houses for. This simple facility increases sanitation, reduces health risks, and increases dignity.
Our team must first check there is available land to install a toilet and that it is safe. We do not want to corrupt a clean water supply. If there is no available land on a site we talk to neighbours to see if a toilet can be put on adjacent land and shared by several families.
Most of us take good sanitation for granted but for many rural Cambodians, it is a luxury they cannot afford. Please contact us to help improve the lives and living standards of rural Cambodians.
If you would like to change lives, please donate, or contact us about volunteering opportunities with VBC.

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